Terry J Humber

Welcome! I made this page to showcase some of my best work since 2016. Please feel free to connect with me on Linkedin


Advanced Diploma in
Game Programming

In April of 2019 I graduated from George Brown College in Toronto, ON. It was a challenging 3 years but also some of
the most memorable in my life. Graduating in game programming has been a huge milestone for me and I am very excited
to now begin my career as a game developer. During my time in college I studied a variety of programming languages,
agile methodologies and development tools. I took courses in data structures and
algorithms, artificial intelligence, agile game development, multiplayer systems, linear algebra, physics, design patterns, game engine development, iOS development, android, unity , unreal engine and many more. Find out more about George Brown College's Game Programming program by clicking the link or video below.

Game Programming at George Brown College

Thank you for visiting! Please check out some of the projects I have developed over the past 3 years below. Some of the projects have links to play the games either in browser or by downloading depending on the project. Enjoy!!!

Hungry Face

Hungry Face is a PacMan Clone made in Unreal Engine 4. I made all Classes, Structs, Blueprints, AI, Animations, Widgets, Materials and much more. It includes 30 Levels with Top Score and Save Game features. The game is as close to the original classic as I could get it and includes a few surprises not in the OG. Give it a try by clicking the link!!!

Wave Mage

Wave Mage is a 2D top down bullet hell game I made in late 2018 / early 2019 with the Unity game engine. I programmed / designed and made all of the assets and animations in this game from scratch using Unity, C# and Afinity Designer. The game features 3 levels each with unique enemies and bosses. Click the link below to play!

Action RPG

I made this 3D action rpg in Unity. It is a point and click type game that was inspired by games like Diablo and Path of Exile. The game features work I did in game design as well as enemy and player AI using path finding. This was an abimbitous project that boosted my confidence and skills in programming and designing in Unity. I would like to go back to this game when I find the time to expand on it.

Kung Rage

Kung Rage is a Streets of Rage Clone made in Unreal and packaged to disc for XBOX ONE. Including myself this game was made with 3 other programmers and took us about 2 months to finish. In addition to contributing to gameplay programming I worked on the game design, polish and sleeve art for the finished game .

Shifty Shapes

Shifty Shapes is an iOS game made with SpriteKit and Xcode for iPhone. This game was made in a group as a final project in my iOS development class. The game is similiar to a rhythm based game where the player has to grab the shapes that are falling and drag them to the matching shape container below.

UWP Unreal Engine
2-Player Xbox Game

This simple 2 player game (Local) was made to learn how to develop for XBOX ONE using the UWP version of unreal engine 4. The focus of this project was to learn the process of deploying a game to the console and not focus on game design or mechanics. I used perforce for version control, blueprints and c++ for setting up controller pulls and custom responsive UI buttons as well as game play.
Working with the UWP version of unreal is very buggy and I would recommend avoiding it if possible. I have other projects in unreal engine as well and will be adding them to this site soon.

Car Combat Game

This is a 3D car combat game I made in my 3rd semester game production class. The player has to destroy all of the turrets in the level before the timer runs out to win.


PewPew is a game I was part of making in my first year of college. It was made using javascript and the phaser library. Give it a try by clicking the link below.