About Me

My name is Terry
and I like to make games

I started playing games when I was about the age of that little monkey on my back in the photo below. Since then I always dreamed of someday creating them for others to enjoy.

Before I decided to return to school to study game programming, I worked all over Canada in several different industries. At the age of 10, on the weekends I would sweep a parking lot at a convienience store my grandmother managed so she wouldnt have to. In my early 20's I left Nova Scotia to work in the NWT at Ekati, Canada's first diamond mine. I worked as an underground miner there for almost 7 years. I eventually left the deep dungeon and
did a complete 180 to work as a financial services manager in a luxury car dealership. Some of my experinces working were better than others but all taught me valuble lessons about how to work hard and how to work with others effectvely.

Eventually I grew tired of sales and at that time in my life my girlfriend was pregnant with my now 3 year old daughter. I decided to leave sales and return to school to finally study something that was going to challenge me but more importantly to learn something I always dreamed of learning. I havent looked back since and am very excited to see what the future brings to me in this exciting industry.